As I stated, I planned to move forward with my interview series with Corrado Charman, CEO of Comstock Inc., regardless of the false allegations about me and my relationship with Corrado and my knowledge of Corrado's plan to send out a letter to Comstock's shareholders or what was in that letter to shareholders. Here is the reality. I like to find companies that are out of favor. I meet many CEOs and hear many great stories, but that does not mean I will invest in all of them. Corrado and I have spent much time talking. I have grown to know what kind of person Corrado is. I know he and his team are thinking boldly on a large scale. I admire that. I see what they are trying to build, and if successful, it could benefit humanity for future generations. Long after Corrado and I passed. It could be a legacy for Corrado and his team that changes the world for the positive. These setbacks seem immaterial to me when you think along those lines. Now, I am new to this story and have not felt the pain or agony of anticipating news that will finally validate the vision. I have not felt it here.
I have felt it more times than anyone can imagine elsewhere. $LPTH $RCAT $UMAC $KOPN $SPCB $SPIR $SKYX $MAPPF $ASAPF $DUOT $WYY.and I could list more. The pain and suffering of a retail shareholder who is early to a story is very real and often agonizing. It feels the same no matter what company you are invested in. I know that pain better than most. I learned that PAIN EARLY IN MY INVESTING JOURNEY! With stocks like Black and Decker, Marvel Enterprises, and Sirius Sattelite Radio, I also learned to trust my gut. I learned to think outside the box and to teach myself to think more like an institutional investor than a retail investor. If I firmly believe in someone or something, I will do my due diligence. I understand that there will be setbacks, and I know better than anyone that it always takes longer than you think it will for great things to happen. If you go through the list of stocks, I just provided you. You will see that some of them are showing signs of life. I have been involved with these companies for years, not days or weeks. YEARS! That is what I do as an investor. Some will not like my approach and question whether that is true. Review my videos to see when I first interviewed Lightpath, SKYX, or Widepoint. I am who I am; I put in a lot of hard work to stay on top of stories that can make a difference in this world. I am not looking to scam anyone or put someone in harm's way. Ultimately, everyone has to decide for themselves what they believe in or what they would like to be part of in this place while we are here. I made my choice; will I be right all of the time? Highly unlikely, but I don't need to be to make a positive difference in the world. So, anyone wanting to bash or question my integrity, please do not be offended if I do not care about your views or opinions. It has no relevance to me or my life. I do this to help others. I do it because I want more people like me to join in my effort to make a difference by supporting small companies trying to do incredible, amazing, and life-changing things. If you want to be a part of that, I welcome you with open arms, and if you don't, if you want to spew negative garbage, you will not be welcome, and I will ban you from my world. No negativity and whining are allowed in my world. Step up and be part of a solution, not a problem. Where I am from, problems are meant to be eliminated and solved. The whole point is to get rid of problems. If that doesn't resonate with you, that is okay. It doesn't have to, but I don't have to associate with you. It is not personal; it's my preference. I hope this makes sense to everyone. I am not trying to be an A-hole. I want to clearly define who I am, what I stand for, and what this channel is about so there is no confusion. Take it or leave it. It is always your choice.