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Alpha Wolf Follow Up With CEO Chuck Ferry Duos Technologies Inc. $DUOT 4-24

In this follow-up with CEO Chuck Ferry, we talk about the missed quarterly numbers and how two customers have pushed their projects back in time but increased the size and dollar amount for the contract, which is a very positive development. We discuss the current requests for proposals and the potential size of the backlog if Duos were to succeed in receiving the awards. We also discuss that Duos has been approached by an industry outside the railroads because of their expertise in AI, Deep machine learning, and edge computing. We did not go into the potential numbers, but Chuck quickly said it is an excellent opportunity that could materialize in just a few weeks. Chuck has built an excellent team around him. Duos has transformed the company and put it into a position to potentially become a high-growth company in one of the hottest technology sectors of our time. Stay tuned to the news flow for Duos Technologies in the next weeks and months. With the small number of shares outstanding, this could be a wild ride with a meaningful headline crossing the wire.
