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Alpha Wolf Trading Stocks to Watch May 15th -19th

Good morning
First I want to extend a very warm and genuine Happy Mothers day to all the great mothers out there. My mom is my rock, she is an amazing person and really there are not enough words to describe how much she means to me or how thankful I am for everything she has done for me and others throughout my life. She is my inspiration and my best friend.
Enjoy your wonderful day. all you moms out there, you deserve it.

The equities markets continue to look impressive and I remain in the bull camp for now but as I always say that can change in the blink of an eye, We have to pay attention to what the market or sectors are telling us each day. Last week was a very strong week for the semiconductors NVDA had an amazing move off of strong earnings. It remains one of the strongest sectors out there and one to keep an eye on. Cyber security could heat up this week with the new ransom threats going on around the globe HAVK and CIBR are two ETF's for the space.
North Korea and all the stuff going on with the Trump administration are issues that could impact the markets but I have to admit I remain incredibly impressed with how well the markets have been taking potentially destabilizing events in stride. Oil and energy had a little bounce last week but I have to admit I thought we would get a more significant bounce than we did. We have an OPEC meeting coming up at the end of the month and that may be an event that gives the sector a boost but as of right now the black bubbly and the energy space are still looking pretty weak. Retail and energy are my least favorite sectors. Gold and Silver had a nice bounce last week and if the dollar weakens and the equities markets struggle we could see more strength in the space. The IBB and the IWW are holding up well at potential areas of support and two areas I will be watching closely next week.

Today is the last day of our membership special. if you like what I do, if you are struggling with your trading or investing but have a strong passion for the markets. Come join the family here @ Alpha Wolf Trading for only $399 a year and get 10 hours of educational programming, access to the chat room, trade plans, and so much more!!

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Here are the stocks in this weeks stock to watch video

Alpha Wolf Trading Stocks to Watch May 15th -19th 2017 from Alpha Wolf Trading on Vimeo.