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AWT Update with CEO Alvaro Torres $KHRNF Khiron Life Sciences Inc 3/28/2022

Alvaro and his team at Khiron Life Sciences have had the wind against them since they became the first approved medical cannabis provider in Columbia. Covid hit, and Columbia shut down the very next day. Since then, in the face of a pandemic, Khiron has expanded its medical cannabis platform to Germany, Peru, the UK, and hopefully soon to Mexico. Khiron pioneered the path to market. They have educated doctors, insurance companies, and patients on the benefits of medical marijuana. Khiron has collected data that medical cannabis has lowered the number of opioid prescriptions being prescribed. People's lives are being saved by avoiding taking the highly addictive pain killer that has become an epidemic in the U.S., unfortunately taking many lives far too early. Khiron lobbied the insurance companies and the government in Columbia to give everyone coverage for medical cannabis. They succeeded, and every insurance company in Columbia now covers the cost of medical cannabis for patients. As the rest of the world legalizes cannabis and allows more studies to be conducted, Khiron will be there with a mountain of data from 5 different countries showing similar results. Alvaro is a brilliant man staying true to his vision. Alvaro recognizes that he has a fantastic team that is passionate about what they have and will continue to accomplish. They have built a trusted brand by providing education and superior customer service with a consistent quality product. I can almost sense that the wind seems to be shifting and may finally be at Khiron Life Sciences back. It is only a matter of time before Wallstreet figures this out and gives Alvaro and $KHRNF well-deserved recognition.