Happy New Year, everyone.
This year I want to give everyone something to consider. I am sure some of you are familiar with the "butterfly effect" for those who are not, here is a good description. "The butterfly effect theory states that when a butterfly moves its wings, it can cause a cyclone in another part of the world. It has become, in modern times, a metaphor for the existence of seemingly insignificant moments that alter history and the shape of destiny." As we begin a new year, I ask myself what the world would look like if all of us collectively focused on two things every day for three hundred and sixty-five days straight. What if we tuned out all of the harmful noise surrounding us every day. What if we tuned out of the negative social media narratives, the negative influencer's, and the things that have no relevance in our lives or are beyond our control. What if every day we focused on two small tasks. We improve ourselves and do at least one act that positively affects another person, animal, environment, or planet.
There are so many positive things that we can do to improve ourselves. Learn something new, accept others' views/opinions, be more forgiving, be more expressive with gratitude, appreciative/complimentary to people around us, be friendlier, eat healthier, exercise, or donate our time for a good cause. ETC. Use this as an example of things we can do to improve ourselves. I am confident that if you sit and think about where you could improve, you could compile a very healthy list.
"Pay it forward." If you saw the movie, you know how inspirational this concept is. If you haven't, here is the definition. "Pay it Forward" is an idiomatic phrase that means that if something good happens to a person, they turn around and do good for someone else. The idea here is that instead of paying back to the person, who has helped you, the good deed is passed forward to another person." It is a straightforward concept. Imagine if that was something we lived by every day. These do not have to be huge events. They could be as simple as holding open a door for someone, complimenting someone, being more empathetic and less judgmental, and not allowing yourself to get caught up in a subject or environment where the underlying tone is harmful, combative, or destructive.
Why waste your energy and time with something that has those qualities. What good will come from that? We can sit around and bitch about the bad things in the world and mistakes made in the past. We can belittle people and focus on their faults, but what good does that do? How does that make the world a better place? The past is the past! We cannot change the past, accept it, learn from it and MOVE ON!
What CAN be changed is today and tomorrow. Suppose we all focused on making things better for ourselves and those around us and stopped wasting time over something that will never change. In that case, I believe the "butterfly effect" could be amazingly positive not for ourselves alone but globally.
There are two sayings that I will end this with. One my mother taught me, and it is this. "If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
The other quote that sticks out in my head is, "If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem."
Do I think that this blog post will change the world? Who knows? Many people like to create unrest and be part of the controversy. I wish them the best, but I won't be part of it.
My challenge to you.
I challenge you to do these two small things for three hundred and sixty-five days straight. It doesn't matter if everyone in the world takes this suggested approach to life. Even if only a handful of people read this post and accept the challenge. Nobody knows what the "Butterfly Effect" will be, but I have to believe it won't be a negative outcome.
When I wake up each day, my goal for 2022 is to improve myself and positively help someone or something. I hope you will join me.
Happy New Year to all!